
Windows 7 ISO download

Windows 7 ISO x86 and x64 Official Direct Download Links (Ultimate, Professional and Home Premium) » My Digital Life
Windows 7 ISO Direct Download Links
32-bit Windows 7 Ultimate x86 ISO
64-bit Windows 7 Ultimate x64 ISO
32-bit Windows 7 Home Premium x86 ISO
Digital River: http://msft-dnl.digitalrivercontent.net/msvista/pub/X15-65732/X15-65732.iso
64-bit Windows 7 Home Premium x64 ISO
Digital River: http://msft-dnl.digitalrivercontent.net/msvista/pub/X15-65733/X15-65733.iso
32-bit Windows 7 Professional x86 ISO
Digital River: http://msft-dnl.digitalrivercontent.net/msvista/pub/X15-65804/X15-65804.iso
64-bit Windows 7 Professional x64 ISO
Digital River: http://msft-dnl.digitalrivercontent.net/msvista/pub/X15-65805/X15-65805.iso

How to Create and Make Bootable Windows 7 ISO from EXE Plus Setup1.Box and Setup2.Box Files » My Digital Life
# Run the .exe executable as administrator. It starts to unload the box (extract and unpack the installation content), and will create a new folder called expandedSetup, and will populate the folder with all necessary Windows 7 setup files, as shown in figure below.

Content in ExpandedSetup Folder
# Exit from Install Windows wizard dialog.
# Download Oscdimg CD/DVD Premastering Utility: oscdimg.exe

Put the downloaded oscdimg.exe into %SystemDrive%\Windows\System32 folder.

Note: oscdimg is included in Windows Automated Installation Kit (AIK) as part of WinPE. So if you have that installed, there is no need to download the file again.
# Open an elevated command prompt as administrator, and run the following command:

oscdimg.exe –bC:\expandedSetup\boot\etfsboot.com –u2 –h -m -lWIN_EN_DVD C:\expandedSetup\ C:\Win7.iso

How to Select Any Edition or Version (SKU) of Windows 7 to Install From Single Edition DVD Disc Media or ISO » My Digital Life
Browse to /sources/ folder.
Locate ei.cfg file.
Depending on preference, it’s possible to modify/edit or simply delete ei.cfg file, as explained below.

When ei.cfg is deleted, Windows 7 setup wizard will give user an option to select and choose which version (SKU) of operating system user wants to install during installation.
