
Change Soft Keys on Windows Mobile

Change Soft Keys (Shortcuts) on Windows Mobile Today or Home Screen
Changing Soft Key 1 (Left SoftKey)
To change the default value of the left softkey (SK1) on Windows Mobile, navigate to the following registry key:
For Windows Mobile 6 Professional or Classic:
For Windows Mobile 6 Standard:
Inside the registry key, there are two options which should be changed accordingly:
@=”” (Also known as Default)
Changing Soft Key 2 (Right SoftKey)
To change the default value of the right soft key (SK2) on Windows Mobile, navigate to the following registry key:
For Windows Mobile 6 Professional or Windows Mobile 6 Classic:
For Windows Mobile 6 Standard:
Inside the registry key, there are two options which should be changed accordingly.
@=”” (Or label as Default)
“Open”=”[Enter path to the location of handling app program or executable]”


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