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Details ffmpeg for Interpid (Jaunty)Bug #291011 in Medibuntu: “Medibuntu ffmpeg for Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid missing”
Intrepid contains a pretty complete ffmpeg already, but you probably want to have ubuntu-restricted-extras installed which should pull in the 'unstripped' versions of several libraries. You can also look for them directly: libavcodec-unstripped-51, libavutil-unstripped-49 and libavformat-unstripped-52 from the multiverse repository.
An "unstripped" build of ffmpeg is now included in the Ubuntu official repositories (intrepid/
multiverse) . You need to install the following libraries:
libavcodec-unstripped- 51
libavdevice-unstripped- 52
libavformat-unstripped- 52
libavutil-unstripped- 49
libpostproc-unstripped- 51
libswscale-unstripped- 0 Note that they should be automatically pulled in if you install ubuntu-
Please, instead of blaming us, run "ffmpeg -formats" to find the correctrestricted- extras (ou kubuntu- restricted- extras or xubuntu- restricted- extras) .
names (it seems they have changed).
[*] AMR support is not available in the Ubuntu package, because I
haven't had the time to update the patch which allows using libamr at
runtime. There is a candidate package available at
https://launchpad.net/~medibuntu-maintainers/+archive if you want to
check it.