- Download QuickCam 8.4.8 with driver for WinXP.
- Install WinRAR if not already installed yet.
- Open the setup installer qc848enu.exe and unpack its contents to a folder. Alternatively, right click on qc848enu.exe and select “Extract to qc848enu\” option.
- Insert or plug in the Logitech QuickCam Messenger to a USB port if not already done so.
- An “Driver Software Installation” icon in systray (notification area) should appear, which will pop up detailed message if click. It should fail, and “Add Hardware Wizard” dialog window will appear. Choose to install the driver manually by instructing the Wizard to locate and look for the web cam driver inside the Drivers folder under the unpacked folder of the qc848enu.exe setup program. You can use browser button to select the folder.
- Windows Vista should grab the XP driver and install it properly.
- Download the latest version (10.5.1) of Vista compliant QuickCam software from Logitech to install the software on Vista.
- Run the setup (qc1051enu) normally. You may need to skip the detection of webcam near the end of installation process.
Get Logitech QuickCam support in Windows Vista and 7
Trick to Use Logitech QuickCam Messenger in Windows Vista » My Digital Life
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