由國外的ubuntu forum取經得知,在feisty及乎很多人都遇到此問題,有的是出現此message後無法安裝,有的是安裝完成後於開機的過程出現此error導致開機的時間過久,最後於 /boot/grub/menu.lst下加上irqpoll即可決解,如下所示:
title Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.20-16-generic
root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.20-16-generic root=UUID=510d46a4-ce31-4b0a-a02f-a25237853a59 ro quiet splash irqpoll
LDAP simeple bind without SASL
OpenLDAP Faq-O-Matic: ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s: No such Object
dap_sasl_interactive_bind_s: No such Object
This indicates that LDAP SASL authentication function could not read the Root DSE.
The error will occur when the server doesn't provide a root DSE. This may be due to access controls.
Note, also, that LDAPv2 servers, such as those OpenLDAP 1.x's slapd(8), do not provide a root DSE. Use -P 2 when LDAPv2 is desired. LDAPv2 servers also do not support SASL binds, so you will need to use a "simple" bind instead.
Note: SASL bind is the default for all OpenLDAP tools. To force use of "simple" bind, use the "-x" option. Use of "simple" bind is not recommended unless one has adequate confidentiality protection in place (e.g. TLS/SSL, IPSEC).
拓展台灣數位典藏 » Blog Archive » 螢幕色彩校正輕鬆免費做
在進行校正前,需將螢幕開啟暖機三十分鐘,且螢幕上最好加裝遮光罩,以避免受到非顯示器光源的影響,使色彩校正的準確度降低。一般來講,色彩校正有軟體校正與硬體校正,軟體校正是利用Adobe Photoshop附加的Adobe Gamma,或是Apple MAC電腦的ColorSync進行螢幕調校;硬體校正則是購買顯示器色彩校正器進行操作,而這兩種方式均需花費一些費用購買,在此,筆者介紹一種簡易且免費的色彩校正方式,只需在小畫家繪製ColorCheck,便可容易達到基本的螢幕校色。
Lighttpd and php5 under Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install lighttpd php5-cgi
lighty-enable-mod fastcgi
lighty-enable-mod fastcgi
Backup consideration: Links and snapshot
Hobo Copy
HoboCopy is a backup/copy tool. It uses the Volume Shadow Service (VSS) to "snapshot" the disk before copying. It then copies from the snapshot rather than the "live" disk.Nathan’s Blog - Wired World Wonderings » Symlinks in Windows
be careful not to SHIFT-delete a junction point or it’s parents - this will delete the files in the actual directory:: Shell-Shocked :: Windows Symbolic and Hard Links
On Windows it's another story.Shadow Wolf's Den - How To Use Hardlinks And Junctions In Windows
In the modern Windows platform, it is possible to create hardlinks of files and directories. The ability to create file hardlinks is built into XP/W2k with the program fsutil.exe.NTFS Hard Links, Directory Junctions, and Windows Shortcuts
In this article we will show how to create symbolic and hard links programmatically.robocopy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Robocopy does not preserve HardlinksTools and utilities for Windows
A console backup/archive tool for Windows NT/2000/XP/2003. It uses the same backup methods as the ntbackup or robocopy programsAn intelligent backup system for Windows, part 4
Hard linking the unchanged files
Undo and Redo if vim
u undo last change (can be repeated to undo preceding commands)
U return the line to its original state (undo all changes in current line)
CTRL-R Redo changes which were undone (undo the undo's).
Java decompiler
ps. 記得上年CSC2520給的功課是有給一個compiled的JAR檔讓同學參考輸出
Home Page of Jad - the fast Java decompiler
Home Page of Jad - the fast Java decompiler
Jad is a Java decompiler, i.e. program that reads one or more Java class files and converts them into Java source files which can be compiled again.
Jad is a 100% pure C++ program and it generally works several times faster than decompilers written in Java.
Jad doesn't use the Java runtime for its functioning, therefore no special setup is required (like changes to the CLASSPATH variable).
Jad can be used:
* for recovering lost source codes;
* for exploring the sources of Java runtime libraries;
* as a Java disassembler;
* as a Java source code cleaner and beautifier. just kidding
Jad expects that supplied Java class files are valid ones, i.e. they can pass the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) verification successfully.
The Jad main features:
* Enhanced readability of the generated source code.
* Ability to comment Java source code with JVM bytecodes. Useful for verification and educational purposes.
* Full support for inner and anonymous classes.
* Fast decompilation and simple setup.
* Automatic conversion of identifiers garbled by Java obfuscators into valid ones.
* Free for non-commercial use. If you would like to use Jad for commercial purposes, please contact me for conditions.
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