
SDHC Problems in Windows XP

Hotfix for Windows XP, 加入對 SDHC 支援具有該卡容量為 4 GB 以上
本文將告訴您一個 Hotfix for Microsoft Windows XP, 加入對 Secure Digital 高容量 (SDHC) 卡具有容量為 4 GB (含) 以上的支援

如果要解決這個問題, 請安裝下列更新程式:


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How to disable beep in command line - LinuxQuestions.org

How to disable beep in command line - LinuxQuestions.org
How to disable beep in command line
You know the annoying PC speaker beeps you get in linux when you hit backspace too many times or hit tab to autocomplete something and there's either multiple or no matches or when you type shutdown -h now (or whatever)? I was wondering if there was a way to disable this "beep on error" cuz i'm fixing to go crazy and rip that darn PC speaker right outta my case!

I'm not talking about in the GUI using xterm or konsole. I know how to do that.
Use this command to turn off beeping in general in X:

xset b 0


VirtualBox 複製 VDI 檔 語法

vboxmanage clonevdi /VirtualBox/WindowsXP.vdi /VirtualBox/WindowsXP-update.vdi