
ntpdate - error "no server suitable for synchronization found"

The 1-1024 port is blocked by CUHK (as for my case)
sudo ntpdate -u ntp.ubuntu.com


Vino Port Configuration

Vino is the VNC server built-in in GNOME

then navigate to:

desktop -> gnome -> remote_access

then check:

and change:


Ubuntu 7.10 64-bit Flash 9 installation

wget http://home.comcast.net/~ubuntume/oldflash-0.1.3.tar.gz
tar xfvz oldflash-0.1.3.tar.gz
cd nspluginwrapper\ install
sudo ./GetFlash


Download the Linux debugger and standalone players


Software Virtualization Solution

會建立File System Layer以方便uninstall softwares
ref: http://blog.joaoko.net/archives/548

[forward] WebDAV fix for Vista

If you're using Windows Vista and are unable to add a web folder (http network location), and you're getting error message like :

"The folder you entered does not appear to be valid. Please choose another."

Then try downloading an installing this update for WebDAV from Microsoft. It worked for me J

Single Click UltraVNC for remote support Manual

An idiots guide to setting up a remote support using UltraVNC SCI and SCIII

Here is the scenario.

1. You have customers who you want to support
2. You send out software which you want to support
3. You want to be able to upgrade customer software remotely
4. You have an office from which you want to provide the support from, for multiple support personnel

Well, there are many offerings on the market, which cost $150 to $1000's per year.

UltraVNC have two great offerings, known as "Single Click", to solve the above support requirement. It is called Single Click because it allows you to create a small executable package ("Support.exe"), which your customer simply downloads and runs, to give you control if their PC only when they allow you access.

Two versions of Single Click UltraVNC are currently available:
Option 1 : Single Click UltraVNC
Option 2 : Single Click UltraVNC III


Online UltraVnc Single click creator

用UltraVNC SC打造你的專屬遠端遙控軟體,被控端只要點二下就能讓你輕鬆遙控!